v0.01 2015-03-23 Basic test build. v0.02 2015-05-25 Animals build. Added incremental variable. v0.03 2015-05-27 More tracking variables. save/load test added. v0.04 2015-06-01 Save Load fully implemented. More tracking variables. v0.05 2015-06-02 Recalculated costs. v0.06 2015-06-02 Added Lions. Colour and Layout Flats. Divified Animals. v0.07 2015-06-03 block-inline flex layout. Picture block added - currently left blank :P v0.08 2015-06-03 Fixed clicker tracking regression on foxes and lions. Added sharks v0.09 2015-06-03 Different Layout Images used instead of buttons, stops auto clicking :) Animal Image Preview moved to Right Side of Body, not Clicker area. Pic area min vert size is 300px, image should be centred. v0.10 2015-06-05 Added Tigers. Game now tracks time spent playing. Cookie Rate now shows rate per Animal. Likely a few minor fixes and tweaks to make future tracking easier. Blue theme, less gaudy but yeah, not final :) Option to clear Game Memory. Donate button. I mean, why not? v0.11 2015-06-05 Centred Animal Clickers. Fixed a typo in twitter addy (backported to v10). Testing a css trick to make it look like buttons pressed. v0.12 2015-06-06 First Achievement added - buy 10 foxes to unlock. v0.13 2015-06-06 Achievement Panel. Fixed an edge-case issue with displays at high resolutions. And yes, I'm not working on a mobile one yet :P Selling animals is now possible. Added Crocodiles. v0.14 2015-06-07 Tracker Panel Now tracks cookies made by individual animals. Now tracks cookies sold when selling an animal. v0.15 2015-06-08 Achievements can now be passed directly into an achievement function, no need for one for each. CookiesPI moved into 'Update Intervals', it was running after each call anyway. Some more stuff moved around and tidied up, cleaned up the CSS to stop some layers overlaying each other before they should. Time Played now runs under its own window.setInterval of 1000. Allowing time to count as normal, but game speed to be changed and tracked/timed separately. v0.16 2015-06-09 Tabs Layer: Will control popups, and alternate between cookies screen and others. Achievements and Trackers now expand into body area as panels like cookies, controlled by the .css and .js files. Placeholder images for tabs v0.17 2015-06-10 Removed CookiesSoldByAnimal, as it did not calculate how I wanted. Instead: Track the Max number of any animal owned. Clean-up of code begins, now using buyAnimal() and sellAnimal() instead of individual functions. Should I use case/switch instead of ifs??? Begin Influence System v0.18 2015-06-11 Fixed regression on Sharks Changed how Achievement icons set_visibility on A-panel load v0.19 2015-06-13 Achievements now process in their own function, reducing code duplication. v0.19b 2015-09-28 Added in second achievement. Moved some document.getElementById('XYZ').innerHTML fileds into UpdateCookieTrackers(), reducing a lot of duplication. Changed how some updates are handled, should reduce the <1 sec delay sometimes seen. v0.20 2015-09-30 IntervalTrackers now process on its own, as this will eventually update a lot of stuff, reducing this value will change fps. possibly :) Buy and Sell are now no longer if-condition checks, just needs to pass a known AnimalName into them. v0.21 2015-10-13 Cleaned up Achievements further. Using style.display instead of style.visibility like I should of. This removed tab condition checks too and the need to Process Achievements on Tab. They are checked once on Game load to make sure buttons are available if you load a game after clickone on one. v0.22 2016-03-11 Achievements now work in an Array and are no longer called individually. Achievement click icons now pass array values to process. Changed how Achievements are saved/loaded. Removed further redundant code. v0.23 2016-03-16 Minor change to allow achievemnts to be reset. Can't use a loop as many don't exist. Once in place, this can flow as Process works